Meet Nathan

Nathan was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy in 2005 at age 4. He was born a healthy “normal” baby boy. When he was around 2 years old, he tripped on a toy truck and broke his femur and was casted from toe to his waist. Despite the cumbersome cast that completely immobilized his left leg, he learned how to walk in his cast and was able to move around quite well.  His determination was already apparent at this early age. The cast was removed but his mom knew something was not right.  At first, she attributed the lagging gross motor development to his injury, but she couldn’t escape the nagging feeling that something was not right.  She insisted that his pediatrician refer him to someone who could assess him further. As soon as the Neurologist looked at Nathan, he was almost certain that Nathan had Muscular Dystrophy. This news was taken pretty lightly until a Google search revealed the seriousness of the condition. A muscle biopsy soon confirmed that not only did Nathan have Muscular Dystrophy, but Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy…the most severe of the types of Muscular Dystrophy the Google search turned up!

Nathan is now 12 years old and needs the assistance of a power wheelchair full time.  He is a happy young man who loves to play video games and researching muscle cars.  For his Make-a-Wish, he chose to visit the set of American Top Gear, his favorite TV show. In May of 2013, Starbuck, a service dog, was added to Nathan's family to help Nathan with some of his daily tasks, as well as providing continual companionship.  In September 2013, Nathan and his family moved into a new home that is being retrofitted to meet Nathan's needs. Nathan’s disability is solely confined to his muscles, his mind is completely unaffected, and he continually earns his way onto his school’s honor roll.

Nathan has developed severe osteoporosis and compression fractures in his back. In order to safely transfer him to and from his wheelchair, etc., it’s imperative that the family use the proper medical equipment. This type of equipment is extremely expensive and is not covered by insurance. 

Nathan's mom, Wendy, contacted Joshua's Hope Inc for support in May of 2013. Since then, due to social fundraising, the family has been able to help provide a large part of the necessary tracking system for Nathan in his new home. Through generous donations, the family raised over $13,000 to date, leaving an additional $4,500.00 to complete their project! Your donation is greatly appreciated!